Kids Crafts

Spring Craft- Jesus Loves Me

Today I found myself scrambling for a craft to use in my Kindergarten class at church.  I wanted something that said “spring is here!” yet also had to do with God’s love.

I drew the tulips and their letters on a piece of copy paper, then went over it in black marker.  On another piece of copy paper, I drew the flower pot and words with black marker.  I photocopied the pages so each kid would have a set.

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I gave each kid a piece of green construction paper (normal size) and a large (12×18 inches) piece of construction paper in the color of their choice.  Add scissors and a glue stick, and they were set!  I had them trace and cut out their hands on the green paper first, then let them color and cut the other pieces.

The kids in my class did very well with this project, although some Kindergarteners may have found the cutting too difficult or tedious.  If you have a group of kids that you think will have difficulty, you may want to precut the flowers ahead of time.  If you have a mixed group as I sometimes do, it may be beneficial to have some precut flowers and some on a sheet, then give them the choice between the two.

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