If you have the time and a little bit of money, this sign makes a great Christmas decoration or gift. Get your supplies at local thrift store for even more savings. Items Needed: Chalkboard Sign with Wood Frame White Craft Paint Twine, Rope, or Ribbon to Hang the Sign Hot…
St. Patrick’s Day Slime Recipe
Switch up your St. Patrick’s Day projects this year and let the kids get messy with this fun slime recipe. Change up the colors and make slime for any holiday you can think of! The kids love it, and it’s super easy to make. Recipe for One Batch of Slime…
Giving is More than a Season
The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed. -Proverbs 11:25 Traditionally, the time between Halloween and New Year’s is considered a time of giving, helping those in need, and of being thankful for what we have. Over the past few years, this time frame has been…
Hijacked Christmas- Don’t be a Holiday Casualty
The first known observation of Christmas occurred around 378 AD, approximately 400 years after the birth of Jesus. Due to the time of year it is observed, many seasonal customs overlapped the Christmas holiday and gradually became synonymous with it. These customs and traditions have changed over time, but the…