Over ten years ago I was introduced to essential oils. This introduction occurred shortly after the start of popular essential oil company doTerra, and many people in my community became affiliates in this multi-level marketing company. I was intrigued at the safe and natural health benefit claims that I heard,…
DIY Salve with Custom Essential Oils and Arnica
Salve recipes are all over the internet. They are easy to make and fun to customize which essential oils go into them. I took the basic recipes from two online sources and tweaked them to meet my needs. Then I made some fun labels for the tops of my…
DIY Salve for Gifting, Samples, Trial Size
The size jars that I used are 1/4 ounce. They are a great little size for travel or trial sized salves. This recipe filled 24 – 1/4 ounce bottles, plus a little in an overflow container. (Always good to have) Basic Salve Recipe 1/2 cup virgin coconut oil 1/2 cup olive oil 2 Tablespoons beeswax…
DIY Natural Insect Repellent
In Alaska, mosquitoes don’t just come out at night. They hang out ALL. DAY. LONG. This makes camping a pain, as in some areas the mosquitoes are thick. I have tested this repellent, and it works! I noticed that after about 2 hours reapplication was needed. I even sprayed some…
DIY Citronella Candles
Making your own citronella candles probably isn’t a whole lot cheaper than buying them at the store, but by making your own you will get all natural ingredients with quality essential oils, as opposed to synthetic fragrances. Not to mention, custom labels make them much more fun and can be…
How to Make Fireweed Jelly
Fireweed is a tall flowering plant that grows throughout Alaska. It got its name because it is the first plant life to appear after areas have been devastated by fire or clear-cutting. The stalks range in size from two feet up to around seven feet tall. Fireweed begins to…
Natural Beard Balm Recipe
Supplies: Double Boiler Wax Paper (optional) Containers for Balm Toothpicks (optional) Funnel (optional) Ingredients: Natural Shea Butter Raw Cacao Butter Beeswax (grated or pastilles) Carrier Oil (Jojoba Oil, Almond Oil, Coconut Oil, etc.) Essential Oils (optional) This recipe makes a balm that could almost be considered a wax. It…