Things are hard before they become easy. Moving on with life after a disappointment doesn’t mean healing has happened- it simply means enough time has passed that we have learned to mask the pain. We often go on with our lives as if nothing had ever happened- as if our…
Even if He Doesn’t
The book of Daniel begins with a plundering of God’s temple and the captivity of Daniel and his comrades- Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. These men, especially Daniel, gain respect from the king. At the end of Daniel chapter 2, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were appointed to be in charge of…
Christmas Wreath Craft for Kids
This is a super cute craft for preschoolers. It is a paper plate with the center cut out. Paint it green, cut out a star, add some pom-poms and a picture of baby Jesus, then finish it off by punching a hole for a string to hang it! I created…
When Life isn’t Fair
“When all of a sudden, I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory. And I realize just how beautiful You are and how great Your affections are for me.” How He Loves by John Mark McMillan Who am I that God would look at me and have anything but loathing…
The Ultimate Sacrifice for Freedom
Like many Americans, I celebrated the 4th of July today by watching my town’s parade. The streets were lined with people young and old, all gathered to participate in the yearly festivities. As the American flag led the parade procession, the crowd stood in honor of the great country in…
Hijacked Christmas- Don’t be a Holiday Casualty
The first known observation of Christmas occurred around 378 AD, approximately 400 years after the birth of Jesus. Due to the time of year it is observed, many seasonal customs overlapped the Christmas holiday and gradually became synonymous with it. These customs and traditions have changed over time, but the…