Things are hard before they become easy. Moving on with life after a disappointment doesn’t mean healing has happened- it simply means enough time has passed that we have learned to mask the pain. We often go on with our lives as if nothing had ever happened- as if our…
Keeping a Balanced Inventory
Step 4: We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. An important part of the recovery process is taking a good, hard look at ourselves. In Celebrate Recovery, we do this by completing an “inventory” of our lives. An inventory is simply an assessment of five key elements,…
Applying Piper’s A.P.T.A.T. Model to the 12 Steps
My church is currently going through a sermon series entitled, “The Church- Complete in Christ.” Every week we have been addressing what it means to be a part of God’s church, becoming complete in Christ and producing disciples that are complete in Him. Our most recent topic was, “Measures- Being…